5.13 Providing time-limited VSC access

You can use the Unlock VSC Temporary Access workflow to unlock a VSC; you can specify the length of time that you want the VSC to remain unlocked. This allows you to grant temporary access to the VSC; for example, as an emergency credential to allow access to a laptop when the user's physical smart card is lost or damaged.

To allow you to provide emergency access in this way, you are recommended to issue a VSC and lock it after you have issued the user with their primary smart card.

The procedure is started by the end user, who calls the helpdesk when Windows reports that the VSC is locked.

To unlock a VSC for temporary access:

  1. From the Cards category, select Unlock VSC Temporary Access.

    You can also launch this workflow from the View Device screen in the MyID Operator Client; this launches the workflow with the VSC already selected. See the Providing time-limited VSC access section in the MyID Operator Client guide for details.

  2. Use the Find Person screen to locate the user.

    Alternatively, click Device Search to search for the VSC by name.

    Note: The Device Search option appears only if you have the Allow device management from the MyID user interface option (on the Devices tab of the Operation Settings workflow) set. See section 6.2, Setting the MyID configuration options for VSC issuance for details.

  3. If the user has more than one VSC, select the device you want to unlock.

    Unlock VSC Temporary Access

  4. From the How long should the VSC be unlocked for? drop-down list, select the length of time for which you want to unlock the VSC.

    You can select Unrestricted access, which means the VSC will be unlocked permanently, or a time from eight hours to one week.

  5. Type a reason for unlocking the VSC.
  6. Type the Challenge Code provided by the user.
  7. Click Generate.

    MyID displays a Response Code. Read this code out to the user, who can use it to unlock their VSC.

  8. Click Finish.

    You are prompted to check that the VSC has unlocked correctly; if it has not (for example, if the user has provided the wrong challenge code or mistyped the response code), you can click No to attempt the unlocking again.

Note: The Job Management workflow does not list the jobs created by this workflow. You must use the Manage VSC Access workflow for all actions related to these jobs.